I looooove my Walgreens. I drive 8 miles further than any other Wags to shop here. :) I had placed a special order for 15 Contour meters, and when I got there today the mgr went to get them for me (Wednesday truck). She said you know you have to ring these up in separate transactions. I said yep. :) So turns out the warehouse only sent 12 of the 15. And my regular cashier asked me if I would give up two of them for her. :) It was worth it to me to keep my Wags cashier happy!! (She gives me overage) So I got 10, but have 6 more q's. We are going to try a raincheck, and see if they can do it for me when they get in. fingers crossed.
oh, I'll be donating the meters. :) Since even were I diabetic, which I am not, I wouldn't need ten of them.

10 Contour monitors
2 bags Planters Trail mix
1 Wind chime
2 Ecotrin
2 Bayer Quick release crystals
3 Nivea body wash
1 Burt's chapstick (my favorite!)
1 Coffeemaker (ask Doug)
5 Hallmark Gift Wrap
Total oop: $27.42
Total savings: $848.12
and... rr's left: $45
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