I laughed so hard I was crying.
Yesterday was her first official soccer game. It was hysterical. Two teams of three each on the field, attempting to learn the concept- kick ball-don't touch with hands-toward the goal-on the correct end of the field-and stay in the lines.
Natalya is pretty good at staying focused (especially compared to the other kids! Holy Cow!) but doesn't get the whole, kick the ball and run after it, kick it some more. She will kick it, then watch the other kids run around kicking it until someone tells her to kick it again. And then, when she does kick it, she looks at the nearest coach and jumps up and down saying "I did it! I did it!"

Then after her game we went to visit Papa Kincaid, Kris, Lily and Jasmine. It was a LOOOONG day, but well worth it.
Here she is on the drive down being funny with her library books...

It was great to see them and the girls were so cute together, especially Jasmine and Natalya. They were thick as thieves the two of them, and got along pretty well. I'll post some pics when I get them uploaded. Unfortunately my battery died and I only got a few, instead of a whole bunch! I got a few cute ones though.
They were "going to the store" and somehow they squeezed themselves into this car meant for one:

Zachary is getting big. He can now find and re-insert his pacifier in his mouth when he drops it. Yay! And he is starting to take naps by himself, sort of. :) He really is interested in food, and I know he'd love to start solids, but I'm in denial! I'm not ready for my baby to be ready for real food! :(
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