Today's Awesome deals!!
2 Natural Dentist Oral Rinse (reg price 6.99/ea)
2 Easter Baskets (reg price 1.99/ea)
2 Easter grasses (reg price .79/ea)
Total oop: $1.58
and will get back $10 for Natural Dentist rebate
Total saved: $22.57
Total: Profit $8.42
4 20 oz. Vitamin Water 10 (reg price 1.39/ea)
2 Snack-size Cheetos (reg price 1.29/ea)
3 Johnson's Buddies Bars (reg price .97/ea)
Total oop: $.92 (on a gift card, $2.21 left on card)
Total Savings: $12.00
Today's Publix trip was better. I got overage on some items, and not others. The oh-so very interesting thing was that the cashier, who is visually impaired, but extremely friendly (whenever I go to this store, I try to get in his lane if he's working)needed the manager to help on marking down a couple of the overage coupons. The first transaction, one manager came over and helped him out. For the second transaction, the first mgr had disappeared and another manager came over. This one said, "go ahead and run it". He said "but it's over the amount" she said "it's ok, we'll get it back, I'll explain it later". HUH! So based on this conversation- they DO get reimbursed the full face value of the coupon!! REALLY good to know!
1 Kashi Frozen meal (reg price 3.79/ea)
4 Breyers ice Cream (reg price 4.99/ea)
4 Cool Whip (reg price 1.49/ea)
2 Cedar Lane Wraps (reg price 2.99/ea)
2 Orville Redenbacher Popcorns (reg price 4.89/ea)
2 5lb bags Domino Sugar (reg price 1.99/ea)
2 Knox Gelatin (reg price 1.39/ea)
4 Sundown Vitamins (reg price 2.99/ea)
1 Sundown Vitamins (reg price 3.29/ea)
1 Sundown Vitamins (reg price 3.59/ea)
3 Pace Salsa
4 Birdseye Frozen veggies (reg price 1.79/ea)
2 Birdseye Frozen veggies (reg price 2.39/ea)
5 I Can't Believe it's Not Butter (reg price 2.39/ea)
5 Duncan Hines Cake Mix (reg price 1.59/ea)
10 Chex Mix (reg price 2.79/ea)
1 Kraft Dressing (reg. price 2.69/ea)
1 Gerber Fruit Puffs (reg price 2.19/ea)
2 Kraft Miracle Whip (reg price 3.99/ea)
1 Horizon Organic Milk (reg price 3.99/ea)
4 Ronzoni Angel Hair (reg price 1.39/ea)
1 McCormick Vanilla Extract (reg price 8.49/ea)
3 Jello Cook-n-Serve puddings (reg price 1.09/ea)
5 Bayer Aspirin (reg price 2.69/ea)
1 Pineapple (reg price 4.99/ea)
Total oop: 34.07
Total Savings: $172.74
coupons used: (all $.50 and less are doubled)
1 Free Kashi Frozen meal
4 $.75/1 Breyers ice Cream (+bogo deal)
2 $.65/2 Cool Whip (+bogo deal)
2 $.55/1 Orville Reddenbacher Popcorns (+bogo deal)
2 $.35/1 5lb bags Domino Sugar
2 $4/1 Knox Gelatin (got overage on one of two)
6 $1/1 Sundown Vitamins
3 $6/2 (Publix)Sundown Vitamins
3 $4/1 Pace Salsa (got overage on 2 of 3)
6 $.35/1 Birdseye Frozen veggies (+ 50% off deal)
5 $.50/1 I Can't Believe it's Not Butter (+bogo deal)
5 $.35/1 Duncan Hines Cake Mix (+bogo deal)
10 Chex Mix (+bogo deal)
1 $1.50/1 Kraft Dressing (+bogo deal)
1 $3/1 Gerber Baby food Item
1 $1/2 Kraft Miracle Whip (+bogo deal)
1 $1/1 Horizon Organic Milk
1 $1/1 Horizon Organic Milk Publix store q
1 $1/1 McCormick Spice or Extract (+bogo deal)
1 $1 off 3 Jello puddings wyb 1/2 gallon or larger milk
5 $2/1 Bayer Aspirin Publix store q
1 $2/1 Bayer Aspirin Kroger catalina/mq
4 $1/1 Bayer Aspirin mq
1 $.75/1 Pineapple
SO! Grand total spent today oop (not including $ on Target gift card): $35.65, and got $243.88 worth of items.
And will get $10 back for the Mail-in-Rebate on Natural Dentist products.