Friday, May 1, 2009

Free money in the mail

Over the past week, I hae been getting free money in the mail. :)

Here's some things I've received
$2 rebate from Rite Aid
$6.99 rebate from Ensure
$15 rebate from Michelob

2 $1 coupons for Dole Orchard Select fruits
1 $2 coupon for Spot Shot - the ONLY carpet cleaner I buy (free ones from deals are sold)
a TON of Amy's coupons. I'm taking them to HT on Sunday to see if I can get some good deals with them, some ore $.55/1 and some are $.75/1

These all have super long expiration dates, earliest ones are Dec 31 2009, some go to the end of 2011. :)

Where did these coupons come from you ask? I sent some glowing praises to the companies saying how much I loved their products. That was it. Coupons in the mail.

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