He has the best smile. This week he started doing something funny- I think he got it from natalya. When natalya laughs and smiles really big, her eyes squint, almost together, and this week, Zachary started doing it- when you laugh or smile at him, he will squeeze his eyes shut and smile really big. It is SO CUTE!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
My big boy. He is getting so big. I can't believe it. He is sitting up pretty well on his own, but still tips over to one side ocassionally, so I try to prop him up (like with the boppy in these pics) to help him gain strength. He is almost too big for his infant carrier, so this weekend we'll be cleaning Natalya's old carseat really well, washing the cover and so forth to put him in it. waaahhhhh!!! I am not ready for him to grow up. It goes too fast!
He has the best smile. This week he started doing something funny- I think he got it from natalya. When natalya laughs and smiles really big, her eyes squint, almost together, and this week, Zachary started doing it- when you laugh or smile at him, he will squeeze his eyes shut and smile really big. It is SO CUTE!!!

He has the best smile. This week he started doing something funny- I think he got it from natalya. When natalya laughs and smiles really big, her eyes squint, almost together, and this week, Zachary started doing it- when you laugh or smile at him, he will squeeze his eyes shut and smile really big. It is SO CUTE!!!
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These are really cute pics. His cheeks are so squeezeable.
So, are you ready to get our RR's at Walgreens tomorrow? I'm excited about those RR's. What a great deal. Jason is going tonight at midnight because we got another coupon out of the recycle bin. He is going to pay for our Sunday papers with the RR. Yahoo!! We are dreaming about using those RR's at Publix next week and just shopping for anything we want! I'm going to buy mostly non-perishable stuff with mine. What will you use your RR's on? Do tell.
what a sweetie!
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