Sunday, May 24, 2009

Food Lion today- FREE CANDY!

Found out about a deal on Mars candy today at Food Lion so I HAD to go take advantage of that ;) (especially since the FL is about a mile from my house). I took Natalya with me and we left Daddy and Zachary at home. It was a good little outing for the two of us. I know that she doesn't get enough Mommy&Me time, so I am trying to work on that now that Z is getting older and not quite so dependent on me. He didn't cry the whole time I was gone, so that's an improvement. ;)

Anyway, here's what we got:
2 packs hot dog buns (Food Lion printable q $1/2)
2 cans black beans (no q's)
7 Twix bars (BOGO mq) used with bogo sale= free candy bars
7 Peanut M&Ms (BOGO mq) used with bogo sale= free candy bars
4 Plain M&Ms (BOGO mq) used with bogo sale= free candy bars
Total oop: $2.09
Total savings: $18.12 (88%)

I was looking at my receipt and I think she accidentally entered one bogo coupon twice, so I think I saved an extra $.89.

1 comment:

Tara said...

wow, good deals! Glad you and N got some time together!