A few things at Target:
4 boxes Fiber One bars
1 ream 500ct paper
1 box animal cookies
Total oop: $.24
Total on gift cards: $9.52
Raising a four-year old genius and an infant who thinks he is already four years old, learning to grieve and accept the loss of a child and juggle all the other things life throws at me.
Brandy, did you get the Target Gift Card for the Fiber One bars?
You might have already checked our blog but wanted to let you know that we were picked by a birthmother yesterday. We're going to be picking up our daughter on Wednesday night and will return on Thursday night. Hope to see you soon. :)
Also, Chinet lunch plates are free with the $2/1 coupon from last week's inserts. They are on Advantage Buy this month for $2 a package. Got some last night and they're really nice. They are the "casual" line from Chinet.
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