I also have one of my uppermost cabinets full of condiment extras- mustard, mayo, ketchup, salad dressing and peanut butter.
Stand-up freezer, in our garage
(yes- that is a package of pork chops- they were part of a deal and got them free+, they're going to my grandparents when I remember to take them over)
Newly created "pantry"- I had to convert a hall closet (where we had the vacuum and broom/mop, now located in the coat closet) into a pantry for storage
Freezer that's in the kitchen (with the fridge)
Random bin full of cereal stuffed under my kitchen table
And...a few things I haven't put up yet. :)
Here's to finding more storage space in our homes!! I now have two refrigerator/freezers and one upright freezer and they are all totally full. I have no more space. I either need to give away the items that are less desireable or have a big feast and invite everyone!
I vote feast! :D
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