Friday, May 15, 2009

Food Lion, Target and Walgreens

oh my!

:) I've watched the Wizard of Oz too much lately. We ran some errands today and hit up some of our fave spots and one occassional (Food Lion)

Food Lion
5 12-pack Mt Dew (used 5 $2/1 mq's)
5 Chinet lunch plates (used 5 $2/1 mq's)
Total oop: $2.83
Total saved: $29.13 (90%)
(I should insert here that there was a Scott's natural tp flip stuck to one of my other q's that I didn't see. The cashier scanned it and it went through. When I looked up and saw it, I said- oh, I didn't get that, it snuck in my stack. He said, oh, well the register accepted it so don't worry. I said, ok, I won't complain then. :) So I got an additional $1 off that i didn't plan)
Oh, and I also scored a whole slew of $.50/1 VitaminWater tearpad q's. I got a few when I was there a month+ ago, and when I looked today they were still there! I figured, no one is using/taking these, they've been here over a MONTH! so I took a whole bunch. (but not all!)

8 Banana Boat trial size sunscreens (used 8 $1/1 mq's)
2 Swiffer cloth refills (used 1 $1/1 Target q)
1 Target brand diapers (used 1 $1/1 Target q)
[earned $5gc for the swiffer purchase and used it in trans.2 to buy other items]
Total oop: $5.93
Total saved: $15.90 (63%)
with this purchase I copmpleted the Swiffer refill items needed for my gift card, so I will also earn a $10 Visa Debit card from Swiffer

4 Joint Juice 6-packs (used 2 bogo mq's and 2 $2/1 mq's)
2 Iceland Fish Oil capsules (no q's)
2 Puffs Plus (no q's)
3 Starbucks Vanilla Frappuchino (used 3 $1/1 mq's)
3 Contour meters (used 3 $30/1 mq's, adjusted to price- raincheck price of $14.99)
1 Jiffy Pancake mix (should've been two, but they ran out, so I was charged $.22 for one, but didn't get it - I was able to use a $5rr with that charge, so I let the $.22 go)
Total oop: $0
Total put on gift card from esr program: $12.89
RR's earned: $16
Total saved: $80.81 (84%)

Grand Total:
Total cash spent: $8.76
Total rr's earned: $16
Total gift cards to get back: $10


starbucksgirl said...

Girl, you really get around. I'm just trying to fit in my Publix deals these days! LOL. Can't wait to see you soon.

Earthy Mama said...

The kids are getting used to it- poor things. I hope Z can sit on his own by the time he outgrows his infant carrier, or I'll have to wear him everywhere- and he always tries to grab my coupons! :)

Tara said...

Brandy how did you get the $1 off 1 at Target? you got some great deals! I am getting burnt out on keeping up with all of these stores!

Earthy Mama said...

Tara- I got a booklet in the amil with coupons in it, one was a $1/1 any Swiffer product. I don't know how I got the booklet- I was registered there, maybe that's it? I know what you mean about getting the burn out. I have taken to getting the things I really need or the moneymakers, I am not even getting all the free stuff I can anymore. Even though I can probably sell it later... I can't keep up! :)