Monday, February 4, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes...

I heard Natalya crying and I went and asked her what happened (she was in the other room) and she said, "Mommy, I fall and busted my noggin". (I always tell her to be careful or she is going to fall and bust her noggin)

Today she was talking to Amanda on the phone and Amanda asked her what she was doing. She replied: "I am talking to you right now". no kidding? :D

When Natalya is having a rough two-year old moment and spirals into tantrum mode, I tell her to go to her room until she can calm down. She will go and sit on her bed, wailing at the top of her lungs. After a while, she will come out and say "Ok Mommy, I feel better now."
The best was when I told her to go to her room until she could stop screaming, and she stopped immediately, walked down the hall, went in her room, closed the door behind her then started screaming again. HA!

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