Friday, February 22, 2008

Dressing herself

So the issue of dressing herself has been taken care of ages ago. She likes to change clothes and will ocassionally disappear and come back wearing something totally different- usually pajamas b/c it's what she can reach. (in the bottom drawer of her dresser)
I recently moved the too big/too small things to the top drawer so she could more easily acces the things that fit i the bottom. Good plan, except she knew the top drawer existed and wanted to know what was in there. So she's forever dragging her stool in there and climbing up, rumaging around in there.

I also put her two pair of tights in there so she wouldn't shred them or play with them.

Too bad for me, she found them. A bit ago, she comes downstairs wearing her training pants (from the top drawer), a pair of tights (which she got on all by herself!!!) and a pajama top. She exclaims "Mommy! I put my leotard on!"

Tights? Really? All by herself?? I was shocked. Shocked I say.

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