Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Natalya's first ear infection, 399 ounces of breastmilk and one keyboard

There was keyboard drama in our house and so I haven't posted in several days. Keyboard drama consisted of the following, Natalya, my elbow and a beverage all coming in contact, resulting in beverage getting dumped into the keyboard. So, I stole Doug's keyboard and then he came home and we were passing the keyboard back and forth until we borrowed an extra from his sister. This was after much whining and complaining on my part.

This has been a crazy few days. Natalya has been tugging at her ears but when asked if they hurt, she said no, she didn't have a fever and there wasn't and strange smells coming from them, so I didn't think she had an infection. Monday night I noticed she had some congestion, as did I and Doug.

Tuesday morning we got up at 5:30, drove Doug to pick up his truck, then turned around after 3/4 of a trip after finding out it wasn't ready yet. We took Natalya to her swimming class and she had a blast. She was not keen on getting water in her ears though, and at one point, she had her head on my shoulder and I smelled her ear and it did not smell very good so I took her to urgent care that afternoon. Sure enough, she has ear infections in both ears. Fluid and swelling/redness. Poor baby. We went to go get her antibiotic and decongestant and I told her we were getting medicine to make her ears all better, she said, "ears hurt mama, in there"- and pointed in her ears. I asked her why she didn't tell me that before!
After I gave her the medicine, proclaimed "yucky" and when I said, "is it good?" she said, "NO!" And I said, "but it's going to make your ears all better", so after a minute she thought about it and said, "but mommy? I want medicine to make ears all better!" and picked the bottle back up and looked at it. . . I guess she thought it was going to make them better right away.

After an even worse round of shoving medicine in her earlier today she took it readily this evening before bed, after me commenting how yummy it was, and how it matched her pajamas and I don't even know what all. :) She said "Medicine make my ears better, right?" After I confirmed it, she took the rest without too much compaining.

Several weeks ago I got a letter from the milkbank thanking them for my donation of 399 ounces of breastmilk. By my estimation, that is enough milk to feed a newborn for approximately one month, so I feel pretty good about that. I would have liked to have done more, but I think what I was able to do was better than nothing. I am going to put the letter in Margaret's memory box since I did it to honor her memory.

1 comment:

Amary said...

That's awesome! Good job!

And about Nat's ear infection- if she's on augmentin, watch out for some nasty diaper rash/yeast problems. That's what E's dealing with now, and it's not fun. :*(