Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lily teaches Natalya to play hide-and-seek

I went over to Kristine's last night to watch Lily and Jasmine so Kris could go to a meeting, so Lily took the opportunity to teach Natalya how to play hide-and-seek. Here's how it went:

Lily: I'm gonna play hide-and-seek with aunt 'talya. (she calls her "Aunt Natalya" because she calls me "Aunt Brandy". She's a little confused. :))
Me: I don't think Natalya knows how to play hide-and-seek, you'll have to show her
Lily: ok
Lily: Aunt 'Talya, you want to play hide-and-seek?
natalya: OK! Hide-and-seek!
Lily: ok, cover your eyes like this [Lily puts her hand over her eyes]
[Natalya smacks her hands over her eyes]
Lily: now count
...Natalya starts counting: 3,4,5,6,7...
Lily: then come find me!
Natalya ...8,9 [as she runs after Lily with her hands over her eyes, still counting!]

I was laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face. I finally grabbed Natalya's arm and held her and told her we had to count to ten then go find Lily. So we did. Then I had to show her how to "hide". I showed her to hide in the tent they had set up and so every time after that, she hid in the same place. :D

When it was her turn to seek again, Lily came tearing down the hall and hid in the office. I could hear Natalya counting, then her voice, "lily?" "Lily?" "LILY!" Finally she came down the hall shouting for Lily. I said Natalya, you have to find her, she's hiding. So Natalya walks over to the little Dora couch and picks it up, "Lily?"

Oh my gosh. I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

1 comment:

Julie E. Bloemeke said...

Oh, I am so so glad for this, these moments of joy in the midst of the sadness, frustration ($%# AC!), everything. This is what keeps us going, this is what makes the other times, the challenges, worth so much. Phoebe would have loved to play, except she points when she counts, and when she counts it is "1, 7, 9, 5, 3, 7....yeah!" (She likes to cheer herself on at the end!) J