Sunday, August 12, 2007

Is your child gifted?

Well, I already say the answer to that one is yes, but I've had verification. :)

If you think your child may be may well be right! Research indicates that the majority of parents correctly identify their gifted children!

If your child’s:
Language is advanced
Memory is like glue
Sense of humour surprises
Perfectionism is frustrating
Sensitivity worries you at times
Preference is for older or adult company
Obsessive collections clutters your house
Drawings have amazingly intricate detail

…or most of the above seem somehow familiar, you can have him or her tested by a local specialist in gifted children – give your child an advantage and yourself peace of mind!

Granted, this is a company that helps you keep your smart kid from getting bored, but the info is accurate from lots of sites I've been to. :)

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