We went last weekend to go scatter Margaret's ashes at a waterfall that I used to go to a lot with our youth group when I was in High School. It is a truly gorgeous area (just about three hours from us) and I thought it would be the perfect spot. There's an upper falls and a lower falls which drops about 4-5 stories into a swimming area. We ended up releasing the ashes over the upper falls because we couldn't get to the top of the lower falls because the rocks were too slippery as it had been raining.
I have never been there when there weren't other people there, but that day, we were the only ones. It was amazing. And perfect. We had a great day, scattered her ashes, and then went and enjoyed the outdoors, played in the water and swam in the pool under the large falls (I don't have a pic of them b/c it was sprinkling a little and I didn't want to get my camera out.)
Unfortunately, it is a bit of a hike down...and back up! I was exhausted. But it was worth it.
It was also neat because the weather had been lovely, cool and pleasant, a bit overcast, but we missed all the rain. We scattered her ashes, then hiked down to the bottom falls. When we got down there, right as we got down there, it started sprinkling. Then a few minutes later, it stopped and the sun came out. It was as if she was telling us goodbye. That was the only rain we had the whole day.
Natalya enjoys a ride back up on daddy's back. I wish I had one of these that I could ride in!

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