Saturday, July 26, 2008
painted toenails
Natalya saw painted toenails somewhere and has been asking for me to paint her toenails so I finally did. She is obsessed with them! She shows them to everyone. Yesterday she had a make-up gymnastics class and it was her and two little boys. While one boy was on the balance beam, I saw the her talking to the other one, he then leaned over, bent double (they were sitting next to one another on a bench) and got about two inches from her feet, obviously observing her painted toenails. ;)
Then when the other little boy came back, she was talking to him, then propped both legs on the bench so he could check them out too while she pointed her toes toward him. You can't hear what they're saying (you can watch through windows, but the doors are closed), but she was obviously telling them all about her toenails. LOL!
I have never laughed so hard.
Then when the other little boy came back, she was talking to him, then propped both legs on the bench so he could check them out too while she pointed her toes toward him. You can't hear what they're saying (you can watch through windows, but the doors are closed), but she was obviously telling them all about her toenails. LOL!
I have never laughed so hard.
Friday, July 25, 2008
25 weeks already?
Can it be? Am I over halfway there already? The answer apparently, is yes. :)
Yesterday I had my 25 week appointment with the midwife and everything looks good. Baby's hb loud and clear and around 140-142. Measuring good. She said, he's really growing in there huh? LOL. I said yep, I grow 'em big. My bp is so far so good, so good news there.
I drank the nasty glucose crap. Blech. They only had the lemon-lime flavor cold. I would have much preferred the orange, but oh well. We talked about the plan, and she is going to write up a plan of attack, so to speak for the remainder of my pregnancy. I go back in three weeks for a regular visit, hb, measurement, etc. Then I go in two more weeks, at 30 weeks, for an u/s and non-stress test, along with some other things. After that I will go weekly for ns tests and then have a few more u/s's.
We talked a bit about the "weird" things surrounding m's birth, the large amt of amniotic fluid and the dark meconium staining, but the fact that everything was "normal" according to autopsy and pathology reports. She wants to kind of keep an eye on things, and I'm all for it.
She wasn't too concerned about the spotting I had last weekend, said it was pretty common as you have more pregnancies, sometimes you can have some blood on your cervix that comes out and it's no big deal. *whew*
I'm really feeling good about my mw and everything she has planned. I also told her that N wanted to be at the birth and she said that was totally fine. I told her my Mom was going to be there for her to totally just take care of her and be there for her and she said that was great. We also talked a smidge about my birth plan and I told her we had the one from N and that I would update it and bring it in next time.
Oh, and I'm up to 172lb. Yay. That's a gain of around 17lb so far (awesome for me).
And ironically, I saw my cousin, who I haven't seen in ages, the one who's due around the same time as me and they've changed her due date. I am due the 6th of Nov and she is now due the 5th. HA! Wouldn't it be funny if we were in labor at the same time? We're delivering at different hospitals though, but still funny.
Yesterday I had my 25 week appointment with the midwife and everything looks good. Baby's hb loud and clear and around 140-142. Measuring good. She said, he's really growing in there huh? LOL. I said yep, I grow 'em big. My bp is so far so good, so good news there.
I drank the nasty glucose crap. Blech. They only had the lemon-lime flavor cold. I would have much preferred the orange, but oh well. We talked about the plan, and she is going to write up a plan of attack, so to speak for the remainder of my pregnancy. I go back in three weeks for a regular visit, hb, measurement, etc. Then I go in two more weeks, at 30 weeks, for an u/s and non-stress test, along with some other things. After that I will go weekly for ns tests and then have a few more u/s's.
We talked a bit about the "weird" things surrounding m's birth, the large amt of amniotic fluid and the dark meconium staining, but the fact that everything was "normal" according to autopsy and pathology reports. She wants to kind of keep an eye on things, and I'm all for it.
She wasn't too concerned about the spotting I had last weekend, said it was pretty common as you have more pregnancies, sometimes you can have some blood on your cervix that comes out and it's no big deal. *whew*
I'm really feeling good about my mw and everything she has planned. I also told her that N wanted to be at the birth and she said that was totally fine. I told her my Mom was going to be there for her to totally just take care of her and be there for her and she said that was great. We also talked a smidge about my birth plan and I told her we had the one from N and that I would update it and bring it in next time.
Oh, and I'm up to 172lb. Yay. That's a gain of around 17lb so far (awesome for me).
And ironically, I saw my cousin, who I haven't seen in ages, the one who's due around the same time as me and they've changed her due date. I am due the 6th of Nov and she is now due the 5th. HA! Wouldn't it be funny if we were in labor at the same time? We're delivering at different hospitals though, but still funny.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Natalya's first dentist appt
Today Natalya had her first dentist's appointment. She was such a big girl! I couldn't believe how well she did. The dentist's office is a pediatric dentist, and N has never been to the dentist before, but we prepped her several weeks ago talking about going to the dentist and how much fun it was, and how exciting, and how the dentist would make her teeth pretty and shiny. She was really looking forward to "going to the dentist and saying 'ahhh" :)
The way the office works is the first visit, you can go back with your child, but after that, they want to take them back on their own, to build a relationship with them. So I was allowed to go back with her. She was very nervous, as always, but she didn't need me there. :) The office is completely designed for children. TV's on the ceilings above the chairs, video games and toys in the waiting room, the bathroom even has a kid's size toilet (complete with an automatic flusher just like the big one) along with a regular sized one, and a kid-height sink along with a regular height sink. (she was so impressed by this, after her first visit to the bathroom, she kept saying she had to go so she could go back in there and sit on the little potty.
So the dental assistants were all very trained in kid-friendly techniques and N did awesome. They started out asking her what she wanted to watch on tv (Alvin and the Chpmunks) and then she got to pick her polish flavor (bubble-gum) and her flouride flavor (orange). The asst. showed her how to brush her teeth (while she held a mirror to watch) and then how to floss. Then she put headphones on her (for the movie) and polshed her teeth. She did great. She opened wide, closed her lips when it was time to drain the water out and did everything they said. When the dentist came in, she said that her teeth looked great. Said that the way her bite is (like Doug's), indicates crowding when her permanent teeth come in, so there are more than likely braces in her future (not a terrible surprise since Doug and I both had braces). Not a concern now, but somethign to watch out for as she gets older.
She has an appointment in 6 months for a checkup. She got a balloon and a 'kids-eat-free' coupon for O'Charley's for having no caivities. :)
I can't believe how big she is!!
The way the office works is the first visit, you can go back with your child, but after that, they want to take them back on their own, to build a relationship with them. So I was allowed to go back with her. She was very nervous, as always, but she didn't need me there. :) The office is completely designed for children. TV's on the ceilings above the chairs, video games and toys in the waiting room, the bathroom even has a kid's size toilet (complete with an automatic flusher just like the big one) along with a regular sized one, and a kid-height sink along with a regular height sink. (she was so impressed by this, after her first visit to the bathroom, she kept saying she had to go so she could go back in there and sit on the little potty.
So the dental assistants were all very trained in kid-friendly techniques and N did awesome. They started out asking her what she wanted to watch on tv (Alvin and the Chpmunks) and then she got to pick her polish flavor (bubble-gum) and her flouride flavor (orange). The asst. showed her how to brush her teeth (while she held a mirror to watch) and then how to floss. Then she put headphones on her (for the movie) and polshed her teeth. She did great. She opened wide, closed her lips when it was time to drain the water out and did everything they said. When the dentist came in, she said that her teeth looked great. Said that the way her bite is (like Doug's), indicates crowding when her permanent teeth come in, so there are more than likely braces in her future (not a terrible surprise since Doug and I both had braces). Not a concern now, but somethign to watch out for as she gets older.
She has an appointment in 6 months for a checkup. She got a balloon and a 'kids-eat-free' coupon for O'Charley's for having no caivities. :)
I can't believe how big she is!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Natalya's 3-yr check-up
N had her three-yr appt today. All is great. Dr said she is very healthy, looks wonderful and over-all great.
She is 38.5" tall and 33lb. Dr said she's a little over 80% for height and weight is right on for her height. I said it was funny b/c I am 5'3 and Doug is 5'10, and N is so TALL. She did a double-take and said, that is odd. I said but she was tall when she was born, 21.5". She said, oh, ok, so she has always been tall, then she's growing along the curve so no worries. :)
We talked more about the yeast. I'm going to continue the diflucan for another week and hopefully that will knock it out. She's been prescribed it before, but the duration was 7 days. This time she wants to do the full two weeks. (we're on a week today). Fingers crossed.
She also did a glucose test (checking for diabetes, b/c the yeast issues are a sign of juvenile type 1 diabetes) and an iron check. All looked good. Yay! My little vegetarian is getting plenty of iron and her sugar level was great, so no diabetes worry. *whew*
She is 38.5" tall and 33lb. Dr said she's a little over 80% for height and weight is right on for her height. I said it was funny b/c I am 5'3 and Doug is 5'10, and N is so TALL. She did a double-take and said, that is odd. I said but she was tall when she was born, 21.5". She said, oh, ok, so she has always been tall, then she's growing along the curve so no worries. :)
We talked more about the yeast. I'm going to continue the diflucan for another week and hopefully that will knock it out. She's been prescribed it before, but the duration was 7 days. This time she wants to do the full two weeks. (we're on a week today). Fingers crossed.
She also did a glucose test (checking for diabetes, b/c the yeast issues are a sign of juvenile type 1 diabetes) and an iron check. All looked good. Yay! My little vegetarian is getting plenty of iron and her sugar level was great, so no diabetes worry. *whew*
Pregnancy #3
I feel weird this pregnancy. I know it's because of our loss, but with natalya, I was excited, nervous, had some trepidation...all of that. But I always pictured holding a baby at the end of the long pregnancy process.
With margaret, we were worried, a little stressed, but happy and excited that N would have a little brother or sister. I pictured giving birth to the baby in the water and holding a newborn in my arms with Doug by my side and Natalya looking at her new baby brither/sister.
This time, I can't picture it. In my head I guess I am remembering that the last time, the only way I experienced my child was while she was inside my body. There was no...outside, holding her squirming little body. I am having a really hard time visualizing holding a breathing, living baby.
It's strange. Understandable, I suppose, but strange. This occurred to me last night. I am trying to change my mental pictures but it's really, really hard.
With margaret, we were worried, a little stressed, but happy and excited that N would have a little brother or sister. I pictured giving birth to the baby in the water and holding a newborn in my arms with Doug by my side and Natalya looking at her new baby brither/sister.
This time, I can't picture it. In my head I guess I am remembering that the last time, the only way I experienced my child was while she was inside my body. There was no...outside, holding her squirming little body. I am having a really hard time visualizing holding a breathing, living baby.
It's strange. Understandable, I suppose, but strange. This occurred to me last night. I am trying to change my mental pictures but it's really, really hard.
Out of the mouths...
Conversations from yesterday
Natalya: Mommy where are we going?
Me: to the lake to take pictures and feed the geese
N: where are the geese?
Me: at the lake
N: but where are the geese mommy
Me: at the lake
N: where are the geese mommy?
Me: Natalya, I said, they're at the lake.
N: oh. My mistake.
Doug: do you think this lettuce is bad? [shows me bag of lettuce, a little brown]
Me: yuk.
Me: [to Natalya] More people should've eaten salads at your birthday party Natalya.
N: what'd you say Mom?
Me: More people should've eaten salads at your birthday party.
N: What?
Me: Can't you hear me? I'm sitting three inches away. I said, more people should've eaten salads at your party.
N: I didn't hear you, say it right in my ear [points to her ear with her fork]
Natalya: Mommy where are we going?
Me: to the lake to take pictures and feed the geese
N: where are the geese?
Me: at the lake
N: but where are the geese mommy
Me: at the lake
N: where are the geese mommy?
Me: Natalya, I said, they're at the lake.
N: oh. My mistake.
Doug: do you think this lettuce is bad? [shows me bag of lettuce, a little brown]
Me: yuk.
Me: [to Natalya] More people should've eaten salads at your birthday party Natalya.
N: what'd you say Mom?
Me: More people should've eaten salads at your birthday party.
N: What?
Me: Can't you hear me? I'm sitting three inches away. I said, more people should've eaten salads at your party.
N: I didn't hear you, say it right in my ear [points to her ear with her fork]
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Natalya's officially 3 years old!
I cannot believe it. My firstborn is three years old. Is that even possible??? How did that happen so quickly?
She is so independent. She mostly wants to be left alone to do her own thing, much like her daddy at her age. She likes playing with other children, but at home when it is just she and I, she will often be off doing her own thing. Like now, she is sitting on the floor with a horse/carriage and putting a duck in it, the duck and horse are having a conversation which sounds something like this: "quack quack" "oh little horse, I know" etc etc...
She is generous and kind and polite. She will share whatever she has with you, will go and get things for you when you ask, will offer help when you're doing (anything), always says please, thank you and you're welcome. And she loves babies. Absolutely loves them. Whenever we see her friend Mady and her brother Ethan (who is one), she is so good with him. Sweet and helpful. I just know she's going to be a wonderful big sister.
She is athletic! Man! She loves to climb and jump and loves her gymnastics classes and any time we go swimming, she has an absolute ball. We have these two poles, about 7-8 feet tall in our basement that are for structural support for the upper level of the house, and she can climb them, bottom to top, with her bare hands and feet- insane! Her upper body strength is ridiculous. All her gymnastics instructors have always said she is incredibly strong for her age, both upper body and legs. She has a lot of power in that little compact body. And as for swimming- she is getting so good! When we go, she wears those arm floaties and she will lean forward, putting her face in the water, and laying flat/floating on her tummy and swim across the pool! She has started doing this on her own accord, without any prompting from me (but lots of kudos! ;)
I just can't believe how big she is. She has her three-year old annual appointment on Thursday, but I believe she is around 33 pounds and nearly 38 inches tall.
Her birthday party was on Sunday afternoon and she had so much fun. Her great-grandparents were all in attendance, and my parents (her grandparents) as well as her uncle (my brother) and her friends Mady and Ethan and their parents. She had so much fun seeing everyone and playing with Mady. She told me that morning that "all my people are coming over today". Three years old, and she's already got people. :D
It goes by so fast. I am just trying to remember every minute of it.
She is so independent. She mostly wants to be left alone to do her own thing, much like her daddy at her age. She likes playing with other children, but at home when it is just she and I, she will often be off doing her own thing. Like now, she is sitting on the floor with a horse/carriage and putting a duck in it, the duck and horse are having a conversation which sounds something like this: "quack quack" "oh little horse, I know" etc etc...
She is generous and kind and polite. She will share whatever she has with you, will go and get things for you when you ask, will offer help when you're doing (anything), always says please, thank you and you're welcome. And she loves babies. Absolutely loves them. Whenever we see her friend Mady and her brother Ethan (who is one), she is so good with him. Sweet and helpful. I just know she's going to be a wonderful big sister.
She is athletic! Man! She loves to climb and jump and loves her gymnastics classes and any time we go swimming, she has an absolute ball. We have these two poles, about 7-8 feet tall in our basement that are for structural support for the upper level of the house, and she can climb them, bottom to top, with her bare hands and feet- insane! Her upper body strength is ridiculous. All her gymnastics instructors have always said she is incredibly strong for her age, both upper body and legs. She has a lot of power in that little compact body. And as for swimming- she is getting so good! When we go, she wears those arm floaties and she will lean forward, putting her face in the water, and laying flat/floating on her tummy and swim across the pool! She has started doing this on her own accord, without any prompting from me (but lots of kudos! ;)
I just can't believe how big she is. She has her three-year old annual appointment on Thursday, but I believe she is around 33 pounds and nearly 38 inches tall.
Her birthday party was on Sunday afternoon and she had so much fun. Her great-grandparents were all in attendance, and my parents (her grandparents) as well as her uncle (my brother) and her friends Mady and Ethan and their parents. She had so much fun seeing everyone and playing with Mady. She told me that morning that "all my people are coming over today". Three years old, and she's already got people. :D
It goes by so fast. I am just trying to remember every minute of it.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Spreading Margaret's ashes
Upper Falls

We went last weekend to go scatter Margaret's ashes at a waterfall that I used to go to a lot with our youth group when I was in High School. It is a truly gorgeous area (just about three hours from us) and I thought it would be the perfect spot. There's an upper falls and a lower falls which drops about 4-5 stories into a swimming area. We ended up releasing the ashes over the upper falls because we couldn't get to the top of the lower falls because the rocks were too slippery as it had been raining.
I have never been there when there weren't other people there, but that day, we were the only ones. It was amazing. And perfect. We had a great day, scattered her ashes, and then went and enjoyed the outdoors, played in the water and swam in the pool under the large falls (I don't have a pic of them b/c it was sprinkling a little and I didn't want to get my camera out.)
Unfortunately, it is a bit of a hike down...and back up! I was exhausted. But it was worth it.
It was also neat because the weather had been lovely, cool and pleasant, a bit overcast, but we missed all the rain. We scattered her ashes, then hiked down to the bottom falls. When we got down there, right as we got down there, it started sprinkling. Then a few minutes later, it stopped and the sun came out. It was as if she was telling us goodbye. That was the only rain we had the whole day.

Natalya enjoys a ride back up on daddy's back. I wish I had one of these that I could ride in!
We went last weekend to go scatter Margaret's ashes at a waterfall that I used to go to a lot with our youth group when I was in High School. It is a truly gorgeous area (just about three hours from us) and I thought it would be the perfect spot. There's an upper falls and a lower falls which drops about 4-5 stories into a swimming area. We ended up releasing the ashes over the upper falls because we couldn't get to the top of the lower falls because the rocks were too slippery as it had been raining.
I have never been there when there weren't other people there, but that day, we were the only ones. It was amazing. And perfect. We had a great day, scattered her ashes, and then went and enjoyed the outdoors, played in the water and swam in the pool under the large falls (I don't have a pic of them b/c it was sprinkling a little and I didn't want to get my camera out.)
Unfortunately, it is a bit of a hike down...and back up! I was exhausted. But it was worth it.
It was also neat because the weather had been lovely, cool and pleasant, a bit overcast, but we missed all the rain. We scattered her ashes, then hiked down to the bottom falls. When we got down there, right as we got down there, it started sprinkling. Then a few minutes later, it stopped and the sun came out. It was as if she was telling us goodbye. That was the only rain we had the whole day.
Natalya enjoys a ride back up on daddy's back. I wish I had one of these that I could ride in!

Friday, July 4, 2008
Fun in the water
We have been hanging out one or two days a week with some friends at her mom's pool and Natalya is having a blast. Even getting a little tan, despite the 70 sunblock. :)
She's swimming really well, and I credit the older kids because she wants to be like them. She will go in the water by herself, wearing her floaties, and swim around, even so far as with her face underwater and swimming halfway across the pool! I am so proud of her.

She's swimming really well, and I credit the older kids because she wants to be like them. She will go in the water by herself, wearing her floaties, and swim around, even so far as with her face underwater and swimming halfway across the pool! I am so proud of her.

Thursday, July 3, 2008
A conversation with my daughter
Me: Natalya, your birthday is coming up, what would you like for your birthday?
N: (thinking)... a cake!
Me: ok, got it, a cake. What else would you like?
N: a chocolate cake!
Me: ok honey, but on your birthday you get presents. What kind of presents would you like?
N: pink ones!
Me: (giggling) Ok, pink wrapping paper, but what do you want in the paper, what kinds of things do you think you'd like to get?
N: [thinking and not sure}
Me: you know, like you got a tricycle and a doll last year on your birthday? What would you like this year?
N: a tricycle and a doll!
Me: [laughing] honey, you got that last year. what would you like this year?
N: Santa Claus brings me presents.
Me: yes! Exactly, like at Christmas you opened presents, like your camera you got. What kinds of things would you like to open this year?
N: a camera!
Me: no, you already have a camera [laughing harder]. I tell you what, you think about it and get back to me.
N: ok Mommy.
N: (thinking)... a cake!
Me: ok, got it, a cake. What else would you like?
N: a chocolate cake!
Me: ok honey, but on your birthday you get presents. What kind of presents would you like?
N: pink ones!
Me: (giggling) Ok, pink wrapping paper, but what do you want in the paper, what kinds of things do you think you'd like to get?
N: [thinking and not sure}
Me: you know, like you got a tricycle and a doll last year on your birthday? What would you like this year?
N: a tricycle and a doll!
Me: [laughing] honey, you got that last year. what would you like this year?
N: Santa Claus brings me presents.
Me: yes! Exactly, like at Christmas you opened presents, like your camera you got. What kinds of things would you like to open this year?
N: a camera!
Me: no, you already have a camera [laughing harder]. I tell you what, you think about it and get back to me.
N: ok Mommy.
My little girl's growing up
We've had some crazy days lately of mostly me trying to figure out the best way to get the sleep schedule under control. Suddenly she doesn't want to nap, but she wants to get up at 6am.
So today we went swimming at a friend's house- more about that later- and after getting up at 6am and swimming for four hours and getting home a little after 4pm, no nap, she was exhausted. She also has a rash of some sort- contact allergy- so I was supposed ot give her some benadryl before bed.
By 6:15pm I was reading her a book and putting her to bed. Lights out by 6:30pm and she was sound asleep in under a minute. Poor thing.
So later on, I was downstairs watching tv and Doug was asleep in our bedroom. I hear a click and then I thought I heard "Mommy". I went upstairs and heard the potty seat being lifted and then as I waslked in (in the total darkness) she was peeing. I was amazed. Sometimes she will wake up and have to go potty and I told her a few times that she doesn't need to turn the light on, that she can see fine since her eyes are adjusted to the dark. But I always help her, putting her on the seat and such. Not this time. When I didn't respond, she went on in our bathroom and went by herself. *sniff* she's getting so grown up!
I wiped her and told her to pull her pants up and then handed her "lamby" a stuffed lamb that she was sleeping with, and then we went back in her room. She lay down and I gave her a big kiss and told her how proud I was of her that she had gone to the bathroom all by herself. She said "thank you mommy".
Then she was back asleep in under a few minutes.
I can't believe it. No accidents. Even as tired as she was, and on the benadryl (which knocks her out), she woke up and went to the bathroom all by herself.
We've had some crazy days lately of mostly me trying to figure out the best way to get the sleep schedule under control. Suddenly she doesn't want to nap, but she wants to get up at 6am.
So today we went swimming at a friend's house- more about that later- and after getting up at 6am and swimming for four hours and getting home a little after 4pm, no nap, she was exhausted. She also has a rash of some sort- contact allergy- so I was supposed ot give her some benadryl before bed.
By 6:15pm I was reading her a book and putting her to bed. Lights out by 6:30pm and she was sound asleep in under a minute. Poor thing.
So later on, I was downstairs watching tv and Doug was asleep in our bedroom. I hear a click and then I thought I heard "Mommy". I went upstairs and heard the potty seat being lifted and then as I waslked in (in the total darkness) she was peeing. I was amazed. Sometimes she will wake up and have to go potty and I told her a few times that she doesn't need to turn the light on, that she can see fine since her eyes are adjusted to the dark. But I always help her, putting her on the seat and such. Not this time. When I didn't respond, she went on in our bathroom and went by herself. *sniff* she's getting so grown up!
I wiped her and told her to pull her pants up and then handed her "lamby" a stuffed lamb that she was sleeping with, and then we went back in her room. She lay down and I gave her a big kiss and told her how proud I was of her that she had gone to the bathroom all by herself. She said "thank you mommy".
Then she was back asleep in under a few minutes.
I can't believe it. No accidents. Even as tired as she was, and on the benadryl (which knocks her out), she woke up and went to the bathroom all by herself.
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