A friend of ours online, Susan, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer back in December. She went through chemotherapy and is doing well now, but a friend of hers gave her this very, very ugly hat to wear when she lost her hair. I don't know why this friend thought this was a good idea, because not only was the hat ugly, it's also itchy. Anyway, somehow it got started that the hat goes and visits everyone on the board and pictures are taken with the hat in new places and on new people. The hat has been to Norway, the Canadian Ice Roads, dairy farms, zoos, racetracks, WTC memorial, the beach, and so on.
I wish I was the hat!! So this past weekend, while in NY, we had the hat and took a bunch of pics of it in different places. Luckily for the hat, it got to ride in First class with Emily and I, instead of in cargo. So it enjoyed a cocktail while there. (pic attached).
Unfortunately we were one day early of October, Breast Cancer awareness month, because they offered a special drink during October to celebrate and donations went to the Breast Cancer Awareness fund. Otherwise, the hat definitly would have had that drink.
So there it is, the story of the hat. Emily has it now, and I will have it at the end of the week.
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