Who I tell I love him, but never why
For the foot massage on the first night we hung out, and because you deny it to this day.
Because you came to check on me, across town, when I was sick.
For running barefoot in the ice and snow to retrieve my toothbrush from the car.
For confiding in me your darkest secrets.
For telling me to quit my job when I couldn't take it anymore.
Because you've read more pregnancy, birth and child-rearing books than I have.
For trading hard labor so I could get a pregnancy massage when I felt like a whale.
Because you held me up, literally, during Natalya's birth and because you were almost more sore than me after.
For caring for Natalya during her first six months and for being a wonderfual father to her then and now.
For not being afraid to wear our daughter in public.
Because you supported every second of my need to breastfeed our child and for showing the nation and world your support at the nurse-in and subsequent photographs taken and published by the AP.
For tears unshed at Natalya's birth, and for tears shed at Margaret's.
For the sacrifice of your time with your family for your family.
Because you trust me and never question my loyalty and love for you.
For all the things every day that I forget to say thank you for
and because you're a kind and generous soul who loves me and loves our children and takes the time to show it.
Because you are the man I never knew I wanted and because
you fit my missing half so well.
For all this and more
I love you
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