What a great weekend!! I met Emily at the airport on Friday and we flew up to Jersey. After a slight delay on the tarmac we were finally underway and thanks to a strong tailwind made up most of our time. Rachel met us at the airport and it felt like seeing an old friend, not awkward at all. Rachel took us back to her house, with some help from Lola, her GPS :) and we talked until too late!
We hit the hay around midnight and then were up around 6 am to get ready and go to breakfast. We ate at this cute little diner- YUM and then met Jacqueline at Rachel's house. I hopeed in Jacq's car and off we went to the ferry terminal to meet up with the other gals.
We got there about three seconds before Jen, Jess and Cyn, so we all hugged and then went over to the terminal to head into the city. It was the coolest thing. I have never been on a ferry like that. (thanks to my sea-bands I didn't get nauseous) We did a cruise around the city, and that was really fun- we got to see the sights and talk at the same time without walking too much. ;)
After the cruise we walked into TImes Square which was so HUGE! I knew it was big, but it was way more than I expected. We had lunch at Bubba Gump, yummy, but pricey, then did the tourist thing, walked around, bought some souveniers, checked out the Hershey's and M&M store as well as Toys R Us store (um, three floors with a carousel INSIDE). Craziness! After a long day, we headed back to the ferry and I accosted a fireman to take his picture with the ugly hat. Ha. He obliged and I have included the photo. (for more about the Ugly Hat, tune in later)
We all rode back on the ferry then parted ways for the day. Rachel, Em and I went to dinner at a steakhouse, had some drinks and did some more talking. :) Then we stayed up too late talking at Rachel's and went to bed around 1am.
The next morning we met up with Cyn, Jen and Jess at Cheesecake Factory for brunch and had the pleasure of meeting Jess and Cyn's kids. SO well-behaved!!! I could not believe that Charlotte, Cyn's daughter who is Natalya's age, stayed at the table, sitting nicely for the meal. Natalya would have been under and on the table the whole time. Then we walked around the mall, and Rachel and Em and I went and sat at Starbucks and talked then went back to the airport.
It was a whirlwind, but so much fun!! Now everyone has to come visit us down here in the south. ;)
When I got home, Natalya attacked me, and hugged me, then patted my back with both hands, then huggggged me, then patted my shoulders with her hands, and so on. It was too funny.
Jacqueline bought us all these crazy foam hats like the statue of liberty, and Natalya loves it. I wore it for her and she said "Mommy, you like a star!"
What a wonderful and much needed weekend.
I missed my baby and Doug, but in a good way.
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