Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Well- hmmm. Babies' foreskin used to make cosmetics.

I for one, am glad my son's foreskin is where it belongs and not being used in some human body-part underground sale.

Check it out here: Babies' foreskin used to make cosmetics- Is this ethical?

I have also read that placentas are bought and sold on the black market for similar use. My three placentas are in my possession still, and will one day be buried under trees in my children's honor.


TLC Tugger said...

I can't imagine a nation on earth where it would be hard to pass a law that bans traffic in human body parts without disclosure to the family or compensation to the victim.

A foreskin in a petrey dish is worth about $40 but to the original owner it's priceless. It includes about half of the penile pleasure-receptive nerve endings and in the adult is 100 square cm of exquisite sexual interface. It protects the sensitivity of the glans and adjacent mucosa and affords an awesome frictionless rolling/gliding mode of stimulation.

If this article was about using a drop of blood collectd by a mere pin-poke to female genitalia people would already be in jail. How dare we not protect boys equally?

Foreskin feels REALLY good. HIS body HIS decision.

Earthy Mama said...

Thanks for the input. I agree 100%. Men should be afforded the same rights as women when it comes to genitals.

It's interesting to me that circumcision in the U.S. started in the Victorian era as a way to curb masturbation. That is not a good reason to cut off a part of someone's body.