Monday, June 1, 2009

Walgreens, Walgreens, Walgreens and Kroger

Had to go check in with my favorite Wags manager to see if my monitors were in, and then Doug called me and said that the Wags he was just at had two of them- so we headed up that direction.

I bought two Monitors at the Wags he saw, then my Wags had ten monitors for me. I asked them to try to get 15 more in. I have 17 coupons left. Surely I can find 17 more in the next week, even if I have to go to every Wags in Nashville. Ok. Maybe not. That's a lot of Wags. There's practically one on every corner. I also had to buy a birthday gift for a girl in N's soccer team, whose party she is going to on Saturday, so we used one of our $10rrs for that.

12 Bayer Contour Monitors
1 Sidewalk chalk kit
1 Disney Princess card game set
Total oop: $13.42 (mostly tax)
earned: $110 rr's

6 Velveeta shells and cheese
2 Lysol toilet cling
2 dz medium eggs (mgr special)
Total oop: $3.96

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