Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What's new

Lots of things apparently! :)

Zachary is signing milk and it also apparently means Mama. When we went swimming yesterday, Stephanie was holding him while I went to put some things in the car and he got upset (he was tired) and looked her right in the eye and started doing the sign for milk (his version). I was coming back up the stairs and she said, hey Brandy, what does this mean, and she did the sign. awwww. My baby boy is getting so big!

He and Natalya were actually playing with each other the other night. He was sitting on the floor with the boppy behind him and he was so excited about the ball Natalya was playing with he was hopping up and down on his legs and actually hopping forward! It was so funny. Natalya sat across from him and was rolling the ball back and forth with him and he was having so much fun with her.

Natalya's birthday party is on Saturday. She is so excited about her Spiderman party! We are hoping that Mady can make it but her brother's birthday is that day so they are having a party too. We'll keep our fingers crossed for that.

I'll try to take some more pics and post later!

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