Monday, October 20, 2008

37 weeks +

I had an appt with the maternal fetal specialist today. And another u/s. :) He looks great, and luckily for me, I got to meet with the dr that is the non-worrywart. ;) She said that everything looked perfect, with him and me (blood pressure fine, no protein in my urine, etc) so she didn't see any reason why I'd need to be induced at 39 weeks. She said if I did go past 39 weeks, she would recommend twice weekly monitoring, instead of once, but other than that, me going into labor on my own should be fine. *whew*

And the funny thing? He had his toes in his mouth!!! At first we thought it was his hand but she "focused in" or whatever on the appendage, and it was his foot! Crazy kid!

This afternoon I have a consultation with the accupuncturist, so we'll see how that goes. . . I still plan on going ahead with that, since according to them, it will be better to have him a little early. So I am not opposed to that. As of next Sunday, I will be more pregnant than I have ever been, since I was induced with N and she was born at 38 weeks and two days.

They estimate he's about 7lb 10 oz and his head is measuring over 40 weeks.

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