Thursday, October 16, 2008

37 weeks!!

Holy CRAP!! 37 weeks!

Appts went great today- Z's doing perfect, which we love. :) Nothing interesting from the u/s appt, then onto the mw appt. She had to redo my groupB strep since the lab messed up the last one (she said they were really embarrassed. LOL). So no news there yet. She checked me and I'm "about 2 and a half, but definitely more dialated than last week". She also said she didn't technically strip my membranes, b/c she couldn't reach all the way up there, but she "swished around a little". :) No bleeding or discomfort, so I don't think she did too much.

I am about to go try to make an appt for a 39-week accupcuncture induction. :) We'll see how that goes.

Monday I have an appt with the maternal fetal specialist, another u/s and non-stress test. fun. I will also get to smile and nod when they go on and on about how i will be induced at 39 weeks. I do need to ask them about the heparin- how long after birth I need to wait before I start taking it again, and how long I shold continue taking it after delivery. So at least I can get those q's answered.

I'm SAD! My mw is going to be out of the office the next two weeks, so I may not see her again! I will meet with another mw for the next two appts, then if I make it to 40 weeks, I will meet with Mavis again. She will be available by phone though, so I can certainly call her office. (I have her direct line # hehe)

Meanwhile, all the diapers and clothes are washed and ready. Hospital bags are mostly packed. Z's is packed, and out "after delivery" bag is packed. the labor bag and N's bag are in progress, and I've already got my pillows (including the boppy) in the car. :) Once I get the other bags done, I'm just stuffing them in the car. It's a van. there's room. :) So all I will have to grab will be my daughter, the dogs and the camera, and head out the door. (dogs will be staying with my mom). At this point I am really telling Z that he needs to start things while Doug is at home, I really don't want to have to drive myself to Amanda's (where we'll be hanging out until we check in at the hospital) or have to wait 2+ hours for Doug to get home to drive us.

I've bought N a new pair of pajamas to surprise her with for her stay at grandma's, and I want to pick up a few small things for her to open at the hospital, books and arts things to keep her occupied. Oh, and I have to get the "big sister" shirt. :)

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