Thursday, September 4, 2008

I had my 31-week appointment today, and the ultrasound was so awesome. Amanda went with me (she had never seen an u/s before) and was really excited about it, so the tech was showing her all his fingers, toes, etc. She had the doppler on the bottom of his foot and right as she said, there's one foot, he reared back and kicked the doppler, which bounced off my tummy. It was so funny!

Then she did some 3D stuff!! She let me have a few pics, and we got to watch him moving around, swallowing, etc, in 3D. It was really, really cool. And Doug was extremely upset that he missed it.

The tech kept saying that everything looked wonderful. Heart looks perfect, brain, etc and so on. YAY!

We love that everything is looking right on target! He is now head-down again, and probably will stay that way, so that's good. The u/s pics are really cool- unfortunately he was smushed against my cervix, so it only shows like half his face. But they're still really neat. :)

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