Monday, September 1, 2008

CVS Bargains

So I am trying this CVS thing out. :) Last week I did alright for my first week's attempt, I think I spent $15 and saved $48

This is my plan for this week...assuming they have everything I want by the time I get there (the last day of the sale, Thursday)

Transaction 1:

dawn dish soap .99
dawn dish soap .99
colgate 2.99
colgate 2.99
Covergirl WetSlicks Amazemint 5.99
Covergirl WetSlicks Amazemint 5.99
Pringles .88
- - -
Total: 20.82 +tax

Coupons to use:
$4 off $20 purchase
dawn dish soap .50
dawn dish soap .50
colgate 1.50
colgate 1.50
covergirl $1 any
Cover Girl Lip Product B1G1F (-5.99)
Pringles .30
$5 ECB (from last week's purchases)
- - -
Total coupon discount: -$20.29

Total Out of Pocket: 53 cents +tax

And, Earned: $9.99 ECB

Transaction 2:
pantene shampoo $3.33
pantene shampoo $3.33
pantene hairspray $3.33
Children’s Advil $5.79
Pringles .88
- - -
Purchase Total: 16.66 +tax

Use: $2/10
pantene manufacturer coupon style prod free w/shampoo $3.33
Children’s Advil coupon $1
Pringles .30
$9.99 ECB
- - -
Coupon total -$16.62

Total out of pocket for purchase: 4 cents +tax

Earned: $7.79 ECB

Transaction 3:
Playskool wipes $2.99
Playskool wipes $2.99
Cascade $3.49
Tylenol $4.99
Tylenol $4.99
- - -
Purcahse Total: 19.45 +tax

Use: $2/10
Playskool coupon $2
Playskool coupon $2
Cascade $.25
Tylenol B1G1 (-$4.99)
Tylenol coupon $1
$7.79 ECB
- - -
Coupon total for purchase: -$20.03

Total out of pocket: -58 cents +tax

Total Out of pocket for all three purchases: $-.01 +tax

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