Natalya is doing great! She's 44" tall and 40lb, 82nd% for weight and <97% for height! (I knew she was tall...). She had a finger prick to test her iron, and it was fine. They also tested her urine to make sure there was no infection or yeast (since she has a history of it) and all was good. She had two vaccine boosters, IPV and DTaP, and she took them like a trooper, with no tears. :) She earned a sucker AND a cookie for that, lol. Although I told her it was ok to cry.
The doctor asked about other vaccines and I denied them. He nodded. We also talked a little about the MMR and I mentioned that we were waiting until Merck re-released them separately and he agreed. I told him I had heard they were doing it soon, and he hadn't heard that, so he was thrilled. His has a high percentage of autistic children as patients (his specialty), so he has a high demand for those separate. He asked if she was going to school this year, and I said no. He wanted to know if we needed the "yellow form" lol. (to exempt them from "required" vaccinations) I told him not now, but if it comes up, I will let him know.
He is so awesome.
Zachary had a DTaP booster and he didn't cry either! The nurse was loving us today.
We also had pictures made. Here are some of my favorites...

Who is your doctor and is he close to me?
Kelly- the dr is a Family Practice doctor, he's located off of Cool Springs Blvd a little south of Cool Springs Galleria- just down from the Lowe's/Super-Wal-Mart/Kohls. His name is Dr. Kalb, Cool SPrings Family Medicine.
We switched to him when our pediatrician here kicked us out of the group practice because I refuse to have my children vaccinated by the AAP recommended schedule. Their group had a new vaccine, 11 viruses in one shot! NO WAY! So I was looking for a more open-minded dr who encouraged parents to make informed decisions rather than just do what he says.
We found Dr. Kalb by a recommendation of someone on Mamasource. Met with him and absolutely LOVE him. And, since he's family practice, we can all go to him, not just the kids, which is nice, but especially since I am breastfeeding, if something is going on in regards to yeast or such, we can both be seen by one doctor rather than go back and forth.
At any rate, I highly recommend him. He's awesome. So awesome that we drive an hour each way to see him instead of someone here close by.
You are smart to regulate the vaccines like that. When my kids were small, late 80's/early 90's, we didn't know about all the trouble it would cause. Two of my kids have problems, and I am pretty sure it was caused by all the shots. My oldest was perfectly fine up until he was two or three years old. And no, it wasn't the "terrible two's" he just never outgrew like my family tries to claim it is.
Great pics of your beautiful babies!
Aww thanks! I know- I can't believe all the crap we pump into our kids' bodies and claim it is for the best. Then the government steps in and "forces" us to have them. The ped's group we were with tried to say I HAD TO have my newborn injected with a combo shot of 11 things!! Holy geez! Besides the obvious, if he was to have a reaction, how would you know what it was to? argh.
I'm sorry about your son (?) . . . and the troubles. I fully believe that vaccines, while wonderful, have their uses, but also can be unnessecary for some children. I don't think we need to routinely vaccinate everyone with everything. Some of the vaxes that we give our kids, the possible side effects are worse than the disease we are vaccinating them for! And the newer ones, like Prevnar, Pneumoccocal, and Varicella, are so new that their efficacy rates are pretty low. I feel comfortable giving my kids the Polio vaccine, and DTaP, because those have been around for ages, and the diseases they are for are way worse than the possible side effects...and the efficacy rates are really high.
I certainly don't want to give them a vax that isn't even going to work. Sheesh..
anyway... it's a hot button for me. LOL.
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