Today we went swimming with my brother at a friend's house I was housesitting, and Doug decided to come over after work. He came up to the gate and Zachary saw him and starting going "DADADADADA DADA!" And he hadn't made that noise/sound until he saw Doug. It was so sweet! It's official. His first word is Dada.
He also has picked up the game "where's the baby" from somewhere. We were atthe pool on Sunday with some friends and he was sitting with a towel next to him - he picked it up and was hiding behind it. We said, "OH! Where's Zachary?" and he would lower the towel grinning and laughing like crazy.
And Natalya! Oh my gosh! This child is crazy! All the gymnastics has hern doing some wild things. My brother was showing her how to go down the slide on her back, and then he did a cannonball off the diving board. She runs up to the board and goes off the end, doing a perfect cannonball! It was so cute! She was trying to be just like Uncle Tony. Then she says, "Hey Uncle Tony, watch what I can do!" and goes running to the end of the board and does a front flip off the board into the water! HOLY COW! Tony and I just looked at each other like, did she just do a flip? After picking our jaws up off the ground, we yelled and clapped for her. It was kind of funny though, this little kid with arm floaties doing front flips off the board!
Where's Zachary?
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