Thursday, October 23, 2008

38 weeks today

The weird thing to think about is that with Natalya, I was induced at 38 weeks and one day and she was born the following day. Not going to be an issue here though, my bp is perfect, so no hypertension. I have no swelling at all in my feet- no edema. It looks like I am going to be more pregnant this time than ever before! :)

Today's appointments went great- he looks good, measuring great, and the mw stripped my membranes (ouch) and I immediately started having some contractions. She said she thinks he may be over 7 pounds, but he could surprise us b/c he seems to be growing out side-to-side instead of out front. I agree and I think he's at least 8 pounds, probably more. So we'll see. :) He also wasn't too happy with her messing around in there, because he kicked her- twice- while she was stripping. LOL.

I am having some discomfort and contractions from the membrane stripping, but otherwise feel good, so we'll just keep on keeping on and hopefully he'll decide to make an appearance soon. I am still at about 2.5/3 dialation, but am now about 50% effaced from 0% last week, so my body's doing something anyway.

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