Thursday, October 9, 2008

36 weeks already!!

I can't believe I am 36 weeks already!! And they want him here by 39 weeks, which means three weeks if he cooperates! YIPES! I had to have a talk with Doug the other day, he was in denial. ;)

Appts today were good. My grandmother and N went to the u/s appt and we got the BEST 3D pic so far. :) I wish I could show it to you guys. He looks just like N. He is measuring 6lb 13oz and everything measuring between 36 weeks 4 days and 37 weeks 5 days except his big old noggin, measuring 39 weeks 2 days. LOL.

At the mw, everything was good, he was cooperating perfectly while on the monitor, and she checked me, I'm 2 cm (common since I've had two kids) and long and thick, firm still. She said I could start EPO if I want. I also got the name of an accupuncturist and I am going to make an appt for 39 weeks, so if I'm still preggo, I will do that to induce labor. It's supposed to work really well, so I'm all for it. :) She said next week she'll strip my membranes- holding off to let my cervix get a little softer. She also said at 39 weeks, we can talk about castor oil, but honestly, I'm not a fan, and I probably won't do it.

Other than that, I have hit the "wow, I feel really pregnant" stage. :D and I am sick of all the nightmares about losing babies- miscarriages, stillbirth, botched c/sections...I've had them all, and about one a night. I can't wait until he's here and I'm holding him and those stupid dreams stop!!!

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