Friday, March 28, 2008

Sick, yuk, sick, blech

So I'm sorry for the very long delay in posts. We've been sick. Really sick. Remember the cough and sniffle Natalya had? Yeah, that developed into full blown sickness, and then I got it. And I still have it. I believe I have the flu though. I can't even get up my flight of steps without feeling like I am going to faint and all I've wanted to do it stay in bed all week.

a few of N's moments...

I heard honey was a good way to stop a stubborn cough- so I tried the honey trick and it worked. But N's never had honey before - maybe a taste, but not a whole spoonful. :)
One night last week she already had her cough med, but it hadn't kicked in yet and she was coughing and couldn't sleep. I went and got her some ice chips and a small teaspoon of honey and held out the spoon. She asked me what it was and I said it will make your throat feel better. She said, ok and opened up. In the light of her humidifier I saw her surprise. After she swallowed, she said, with some reverence, "what was that?"
I said "honey"
She said "Mommy, I LIKE honey."
then she thuoght for a minute, laid down and said "Mommy, I like honey VERY MUCH"


I gave her a chunk of ice to suck on, and no more coughing after that.

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