AND.... we got a 2005! They didn't have anything newer than an '04, of which they had 4, before Saturday, and I kept checking, knowing we were gong today. I was using my The Secret powers, and visualizing an '05. And when I got online last night to look- an '05~!
I love it soooo much! It's got some really cool features, like window shades that are hidden in the doors you can pull up and attach, and a 6-disc changer. I do love the extra seat in the front, and the fact that I can take it out and scoot N closer to me (I always put her behind the passenger side).
I especially love the dual climate control. On the way home my side was set at 76 and Doug's side was set at 65. LOL!

Here's some pics from the dealer site. Natalya loves it too- after we FINALLY left the dealership, we went to get some food b/c we were all starving. We were eating and she said I'm all done, I want to go get in my new car. Aww!

Then, we just had our first crazy new car, learning curve, incident. LOL.
Natalya likes to play with the key fob, honk the horn, etc. I always try to steal it back and lock the doors, but am not always successful. And. It is raining.
N was playing with the fob and we hear horns honking. I think crap. What if she opened the sliding doors. To my shock and amazement, when I looked out of the garage, the doors were closed, but the windows were OPEN! And it was pouring!
I had no idea how she did it and the only way I knew to roll them up was to turn the car on. so I ran back to get my keys (upstairs) and back out to the car (in the rain, in my socks!) and started the car, rolling all windows up.
Ok, so, apparently if you press the unlock button, then do it again, but hold it down, it rolls the windows down. (there's no way to roll them back up on the fob though).
I would've never known this if she hadn't done it, then I figured out how she did it (manual anyone?) and b) I didn't even know the back windows rolled down! Cool, and LOL!!
Luckily, nothing got TOO wet. Except for my socks. ;)
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