Saturday Doug was in Atlanta unexpectedly, so we drove over and spent the day with him. Natalya was so excited to see Daddy that she didn't take a nap all day. Believe it or not, she didn't fall asleep on the way home either (about an hour and a half), but that could have been because I was singing to her, talking to her, asking her questions... ;) We got almost home and she was drooping, every question was answered with "uh-huh" except, Natalya, are you sleepy? To which she relplied "NO!" She conked out for a second and I saw she was asleep so I said "NATALYA!" and she jumped and said "What Mommy?!?" hehe. Poor kid. She slept really well that night though. She also didn't have a single accident all day. She told me every time she had to go to the potty. Oddly enough, she is really good about telling me she has to go when we aren't home (like today, we're running errands and get almost to Wal-Mart and she says, "Mommy, I have to go pee-pee"). It's when we're home that she forgets. Strange.
Today she got to go see Santa. I don't know if you remember last year, but she was NOT a fan. :) This year? Much better. She talked to him for a minute, then sat on his lap and he asked her if she wanted a doll and she said yes. He gave her a candy cane and she was excited about that. Then she told him she wanted a robe for Christmas. :D It's all she can talk about (mental note, find a toddler-sized robe somewhere!) On the way home she told me she showed Santa her new red shoes. ;)
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