Sort of. :) She has had an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin she was on for her ear infection. She started breaking out in red spots yesterday and by this morning she was covered head-to-foot. I took her to the dr, just to make sure it wasn't something more sinister like rubella, which I am not very familiar with, but he said he thinks while it could be viral, he suspects a reaction to the antibiotic.
Her nose is running like a faucet and she's sneezing like crazy, and she is covered in tiny little bumps. She doesn't seem to be itchy though which is good. She does, however, seem to be a little cranky! I guess I can't blame her too much considering her physical state. A good friend of mine said her body is in "detox" trying to remove all the junk and one of the ways the body does that is by "pushing out" the bad stuff. Hence the raised rash. AHA!! A lightbulb! She suggested baking soda baths and even trying to coax her into taking baking soda internally, a little at a time, mixed with juice, to help it out faster.
I mixed some with apple juice and told her if she drank it she could have some m&m's. She took a big swig and said, Mommy, I don't like it! I did some more coaxing and wheedling and got about half of the juice into her. So some is better than none I guess. We'll do the baking soda bath later.
My poor girl!!On the other hand, my friend tells me that her system seems to be very good at detoxing itself of the junk (remember the seizures?) so that is a good thing. She's got a pretty good immune system, I'll say that much.
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