Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The moments that make it all worthwhile

Parenting is a hard job. No one ever claimed it would be easy, but it's even harder when you're mostly doing it by yourself. Some days I want to run screaming and stick my head under the covers and not come out for a least. Others are a lot better.

Today I had one of those "aww" moments.

We had to go to the store and pick up a few things. Natalya was in the cart, being very good and, mostly, patient. I was getting some apples, when I stopped, turned to her and said, "Natalya, can you look at me?" She did, and I got right on her level and spoke to her- "I am so lucky to have you in my life, Natalya. You're such a wonderful, loving brilliant little girl and I can't imagine my life without you...etc" She looked at me, grinned, kind of ducked her head, and threw her arms around me and said, into my hair, "Thank you Mommy"


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