We're doing great. :) I cannot get over how great of a baby Z is. He is soooo laid back. He sleeps great, I've been getting more sleep now than I did while I was pregnant. :)
He is a lazy nurser though. ;) He will nurse for a bit, then pop off and milk will spray everywhere, then he'll look around, get mad, then latch back on and nurse some more, then pop off...etc. ugh. That is the only thing that drives me nuts. :) Other than that, he is a wonderful baby. I hate to say that N was a tough baby, but he is so much better.
Doug goes back to work on Monday and we'll adjust.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Zachary Alexander has arrived.

We got to the hospital around 9:30pm and the midwives checked me and I was about 3cm and 70% effaced, so foley bulb was out. The foley is smaller than 1cm and anything bigger than that and it doesn't do anything. So she said we could go ahead and start a small amount of pitocin...then see how my body adjusted and turn it down or off.
I was really tired but not able to sleep b/c of all the monitors and iv and drama, so I asked if they could give me something to sleep. She brought me an ambien to help me sleep and they started the pit around 11 pm. I still couldn't sleep much, but on and off. Doug got a little sleep and I got a little. I was doing fine, not hurting too bad, contractions getting closer together and stronger. I woke around 3ish and was hurting pretty bad. I started thinking I just couldn't do it. I was hurting and started crying some and telling Doug I hoped he didn't think I was a wuss, but I wanted the epi. So we asked the nurse and around 3:30/4 they ordered the epi. I was breathing through the contractions and thinking the epi better get here quick. Well, I was also sort of thinking in the back of my head that I must be in transition b/c that's when you start thinking they better find another way to get the baby out b/c he is NOT coming out the way they think he is. :) But I didn't think there was any way I could already be in transition.
So a few minutes pass (which seems like hours), and the midwife comes in and says let's check you and see where you are. So she checks and I was 7cm, 100% effaced and that my bag of water was bulging and he was right at the lip of my cervix. She said, we could wait for the epi, or I can break your water and you can have him out in about 30 minutes. So I was crying and said "ok, fine, let's just do it" b/c by the time the anaes. came in and by the time it took effect he could be born.
I breathed some more and then felt like pushing, while they were getting everything ready. She said, hang on! Then she broke my water and I pushed a couple of times. The anes. came in. LOL. The nurse said "Too late!" and they left. I pushed about four more times and out he popped.
There was some meconium, so they went ahead and had me cut his cord and then suctioned him out.
He's doing great now, I'm doing great and we're thrilled he's here. :) They think the hearing machine is messed up, and want me to take him back in to have him re-tested b/c he failed the left side...but they were having problems with it all day.
9 pounds 3 ounces and 20.5 inches long with a cute round little head. November 6, 2008 at 4:59am.

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